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中国涉疆反恐纪录片播出 触目惊心!大量画面首次公布

中国涉疆反恐纪录片播出 触目惊心!大量画面首次公布



时隔半年,CGTN重磅推出新疆反恐纪录片第三部。新疆暴恐案件的幸存者和亲历者有何话要说?新疆为维护稳定与安全付出了怎样的巨大代价?天山南北,处处皆是壮美画卷;苍穹之下,每个人的故事都在继续……请看CGTN纪录片《巍巍天山——中国新疆反恐记忆》。警告:影片包含大量首次公布画面,部分镜头可能引起不适,请慎重观看。"It's a life-and-death struggle,""There's blood and tears"… This documentary chronicles personal accounts of survivors and witnesses, and reveals the physical and psychological toll of terrorism over the past decades in Xinjiang. It shines a light on how people in the region have been facing up to life in the aftermath. This video contains footage released for the first time. Viewer discretion is advised.
